Do you use text and literature?

Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab can help you

When using texts

If you need a large number of different texts from many different copywriters, Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab can probably help you obtain all the rights you need at once. We can do that because we represent a large number of all Danish text authors.

In addition, in certain areas we can offer agreements with the effect of an agreement license. This means that an agreement with us will cover both the members we directly represent, but also text authors who are not members with us. If you enter into an agreement with us, which has the effect of an agreement license, it effectively acts as an assurance that you have obtained permission to use all relevant works in the way that the agreement describes.

The individual rights holder can prohibit their works from being covered by an agreement license. There are currently not banned in accordance with Copyright Act § 50, stk. 2, 2. pkt. against the use of specific works in any FFS agreements with contractual license effect, Copyright Act § 50, stk. 2, jf. stk. 4.

Do you need an agreement for the reading of texts?

According to the Copyright Act, permission must be obtained from the authors if you perform copyright-protected material in public. The authors can demand that they receive a payment in return for the permission. In this way, copyright helps to ensure that authors and artists receive a salary they can live on.

It is often unmanageable for the creators themselves to keep track of who performs their works or how much it will cost. A number of organizations have therefore been founded to help authors manage their copyrights. This is, among others, Koda and Gramex, who manage performance rights in the field of music on behalf of composers, lyricists, musicians, etc. In addition, the Copydan associations, which, among other things, manages rights to use protected material as part of teaching on behalf of writers, visual artists, photographers, filmmakers, journalists, etc.

Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab manages rights to the reading of literature on behalf of authors and translators. In other words, by entering into an agreement with us, you get the right to read texts publicly, without needing permission directly from the authors and translators. The payment we collect in return for the agreement is forwarded to the authors and translators whose texts are read out.

Who can get a reading agreement?

Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab offers reading agreements to anyone who arranges readings of literature in public. This concerns i.a.: 

  • Libraries
  • Radio stations / online channels
  • Culture houses
  • Museums
  • Festivals
  • Book cafes
  • Private corporate events.

Which readings are covered by the agreements?

Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab's reading agreements cover the public reading of texts that fall under the Copyright Act. This means, among other things, that the agreements apply to the reading of texts at publicly announced reading events to which everyone has access.

On the other hand, the agreements do not concern readings that are of such a nature that they do not require permission according to the Copyright Act. E.g. the agreements do not cover reading texts that are so old that they no longer have copyright protection. The agreements also do not relate to readings that take place in such a way that they are not public in the sense of copyright, e.g. if a librarian in the children's library reads a story to a child. Finally, they do not concern readings for which the author her/himself is responsible, because the author her/himself has given permission.

Bibliotekschefsforeningen and Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab have together identified which readings that require permission according to the copyright law and which do not. You can read the study here.

Which texts are covered by the agreements?

Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab's reading agreements cover all texts that are protected according to the copyright law - Danish as well as foreign.


If you have a reading agreement with Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab, you must once a year send us a statement of which works have been read. The statement is completed in this form and sent to

The deadline for submitting the statement of literature readings in the current year is the 31st of January the following year.

How much does an agreement cost?

The price depends on your activity level, as well as how you concretely use the literature. The specific price therefore depends on several factors as well as your wishes for what to be covered by the agreement. Contact Director Stig von Hielmcrone at or on phone 26 258 852 to find out what your price will be.

What happens to the money?

The money collected by management companies must, as far as possible, be sent on to the originators. Accordingly, 80% of the money paid by the libraries for the reading engagements is passed on to the authors and translators who created the texts. The last 20% goes to the operation of Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab. The 20% does not really cover all the company's expenses. So far, the majority of FFS' operation is therefore financed by the organizations that own the company.

Do you need an appointment?

If you need a reading appointment or if you have any questions, you are very welcome to contact Director Stig von Hielmcrone at or on phone 26 258 852.

We are looking forward to hear from you.